Brazilian Customer Analysis

I conducted a comprehensive Brazilian customer analysis, utilizing datasets such as customer information, order details, shipping freight, and order data. To analyze this data, I employed powerful data processing tools such as PySpark and Pandas. Leveraging the capabilities of these libraries, I performed various analyses on the datasets, extracting valuable insights and uncovering meaningful patterns. Through data manipulation, aggregation, and statistical calculations, I gained a deep understanding of customer behavior, order trends, and shipping patterns. This analysis provided valuable insights that can inform strategic decision-making, optimize business processes, and enhance customer satisfaction in the Brazilian market

Various insights were generated from this some of which were as given below

  • Based on the results obtained it can be seen the there is an increase in the number of orders placed from 4 to 324 and then dropped to a minimal of 1 in december
  • From 2017 the number of orders shows a general increasing trend from January to November, with slight fluctuations in between.
  • IN 2018 the number of orders starts high in January and remains relatively stable until May. After May,there is a decreasing trend in order volume.
  • The highest number of purchases are from people who are there in São Paulo (SP) of Brazil and the least are from Roraima (RR).
  • Most of the purchase are made in afternoon (38135) and the least no of purchases are made in the dawn (5242)
  • monthly seasonality refers to the regular and predictable fluctuations in certain variables or phenomena that can be observed from one month to another.
  • Also the highest count of products are for bed table bath and the least count of products are for cds music dvd
  • Most of the people make use of credit cards for their purchases and 3 of them haven’t defined their payment which can be seen through the bar graphs
  • The dataset sellers has the highest count of cities from Sao Paulo which means many people from Sao Paulo sell goods and the least count of sellers are from Piauí (PI), Manaus (AM), Acre (AC), Maranhão (MA)
  • The count of customers to whom the products are delivered has the highest count 9678.
  • The count of bed table bath products is the highest among all and it can be seen that more revenue is generated from it
  • San Paulo has the highest number of seller cities which means that most of the selling of products takes place in San paulo. The conditions are favorable for profitable trade of products in San Paulo
  • About 57328 orders have been given the highest rating of 5 which means the type of goods which are sent are of best value

Link For the project is given below